Friday, August 24, 2007

X For President in ‘08

Today the National Football League announced their newest expansion team. The new expansion has chosen to call themselves the Washington Wizards and will call Washington DC Home at Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium. The roster includes the likes of Joe Biden, Sam Brownback, Hillary Clinton, Jim Gilmore, Chris Dodd, Newt Gingrich, John Edwards, Rudy Giuliani, Al Gore, Chuck Hagel, Mike Gravel, Mike Huckabee, Dennis Kucinich, Duncan Hunter, Barack Obama, John McCain, Bill Richardson, George Pataki, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Tom Tancredo, and Tommy Thompson, some of the biggest players in Washington these days. Some of the players are still in negotiations, but are expected to sign with the newest expansion, which happens to be owned by media monster Rupert Murdoch. They are the newest lineup of capitalist appeasers that seek to blind us with the possibility of difference between them. They may all have different names, numbers, e-mail address, bank accounts, home phone numbers, spouses, et Cetera, but in the end they all wear the same color, play for the same team, and fight against its one enemy, true democracy and freedom.
In America today we are constantly bombarded with the idea that we are a ‘free nation’ one that should be considered the pinnacle of democracy. This is of course while we constantly act to destroy the economies of other countries and complain when their people come here ‘illegally’, when our government gets rid of habeas corpus meanwhile hiding the fact that the did anything wrong by spamming the media with messages about gay marriage and immigration reform, as well as conducting clandestine torture operations such as Extraordinary Rendition - which is an amazing example of outsourcing of American jobs – all of which truly define what kind of nation we live in today. So we look to 2008 and the ocean of candidates, those announced, exploring, popular figures and the like to make some change.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am completely agreed with your opinion. Basically one of the basic roles of democracy is performing a free choice. However here in the states generally people are choosing their representative’s under the real influence of media. Which does not seem to be a fair choice.